

Hi! I'm Blake. Right now, I'm an Creative Account Manager at M is Good, a creative marketing agency in Raleigh.

I also graduated from CCSU with a B.A in Graphic Design. I also hold a degree in Animation & Motion Graphics.

When I'm not designing, I'm making music, creating art, and producing music videos. I'm super into illustration, costume design, and my two poodles, Beckham and Eldi. While you're here, check out my resume.


Creative Account Manager

Responsible for overseeing client accounts, building relationships, providing art direction, and ensuring client satisfaction and retention. **I make dreams come true.


Multimedia Designer

Lead designer & content creator for Temple Beth Elohim.


Blake Bassett Design

Started designing under my own name. (what a concept)


Graphics Artist

Graphic Designer for Barker Animation & Museum