The Ezra Project

As lead creative, I oversaw all art direction, copywriting, and design from initial conceptualization through execution. Working closely with the client, I brought The Ezra Project's vision to life across advertising, branding, and digital experiences.
The Ezra Project
Art Direction Web Design Marketing Photography Ecommerce

A Word

On The Word.

In 2002, a small group of Christians gathered in a living room with a vision—make the Bible impossible to ignore. They aimed to revolutionize devotionals from dry and dutiful to dynamic and irresistible. No longer just another book you feel obligated to read...but a captivating companion for connecting deeply with God's Word. From those humble beginnings, The Ezra Project was born. And today, it's a thriving global brand beloved for making Scripture study anything but boring.

The Ezra Project approached us with an engaging challenge: How might we inspire those without a regular Bible reading habit to explore Scripture through our thought-provoking devotionals?

Finding Ezra's Audience

TThe Ezra Project aims to meet busy, modern Christians where they are spiritually. We know our audience of Explorers seeks to enrich their faith walk, even amid hectic lifestyles.

These are discerning adults who long to regularly immerse in biblical wisdom, but often find reading Scripture falls to the bottom of their to-do lists.

After our market research, we tailored The Ezra Project to resonate with these time-crunched yet spiritually open Explorers. We deliver thought-provoking devotionals that uncover meaningful connections between ancient Scriptures and contemporary Christian living.

The nuanced approach allows our audience to engage the Bible on their own terms, without rigorous study or preaching. Ezra devotionals become trusted companions that awaken spiritual growth and purpose for busy Christian adults.

The Ezra User Journey

The Ezra Project aims to be more than just a devotional publisher. Our products organically cultivate community among modern spiritual seekers hungry for connection.

Readers form bonds over finding meaning, purpose and growth through exploring our thought-provoking devotionals together. Influential faith voices are drawn to engage with The Ezra Project's movement.

We take a big picture view, creating programs that move readers along in their spiritual journey. From online fellowship groups to live events, we foster an inclusive community united by curiosity about ancient wisdom and better living.

The Ezra Project devotees don't just buy a product. They join a supportive community on the path of self-discovery, with ancient Scriptures as their guide. We aim to facilitate life-giving connections along the way.

Ad Creative: Inciting Copy

Since we're targeting those not already immersed in Scripture, our ads need to grab attention in a crowded media landscape. We determined thought-provoking headlines would be most effective to disrupt routines and spark interest. The ads spotlight the issue outright - "He Knows You're Not Reading The Bible." This frankness immediately resonates with our target Explorers who feel convicted yet struggle to make Bible reading a habit.

But we balance this provocation with an inviting call to action - "Let's Do It Together." This conveys community support, dispelling assumptions that exploring Scripture must be a solitary or rigid endeavor.
The creative strategy aims not to shame, but motivate spiritual curiosity. We hope to jolt Explorers from complacency while also assuring this journey doesn't need to be traveled alone. As bold as the headlines are, they ultimately extend a helping hand.

Product Marketing: Freedom Of Choice

To inspire Bible engagement, we crafted an omnichannel Ezra experience - from website to app to multimedia content. This integrated ecosystem nurtures community while converting curiosity into sales.

The redesigned website acts as a hub for all things Ezra. Explorers can learn about devotionals, access free samples, listen to podcasts and join livestreams. Seamless paths guide visitors to purchase products or join the growing community.

The ADDBIBLE app was refreshed to maximize user friendliness and remove all paywalls. This allows new Explorers to sample bite-sized devotionals and easily incorporate Bible reading into on-the-go lifestyles.

New multimedia touchpoints like the Ezra podcast and devotional livestreams foster an accessible, modern fellowship. Explorers realize they don't have to walk alone.

This omnichannel strategy meets spiritual seekers wherever they are, inspiring Engagement at every step. Curiosity converts to sales as Explorers purchase devotionals to deepen their rewarding journey.

Campaign Results

Although this campaign is ongoing, here are the results for Q4.

My Role In The Campaign

As lead creative, I oversaw all art direction, copywriting, and design from initial conceptualization through execution. Working closely with the client, I brought The Ezra Project's vision to life across advertising, branding and digital experiences.

Leading a team of copywriters, developers and designers, I art directed the end-to-end creative process - from campaign messaging to visual identities to UX flows. Through strategic leadership and clear direction, I delivered engaging, high-converting creative on budget and schedule.

My multifaceted creative oversight helped evolve The Ezra Project's brand perception while driving business goals - reimagining their offerings to resonate with modern spiritual seekers.

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